From an early age, Igal Fedida demonstrated an intuitive penchant for the Arts. Painting has always been a special process for Fedida that allowed him to draw upon his Jewish-Moroccan background and intertwined art with that of the complex, Universal human pursuit of spiritual truth.
A close affinity to nature drew Igal to broaden his artistic palette by studying photography in depth at UCLA. He then traversed the globe capturing stills and moments of nature attempting to expressively interact with the beautiful essence of creation, developing a unique style of blending Polaroid with watercolor. Igal’s true transformative artistic style emerged when he incorporated rough raw structural materials such as woods, metals, unconventional construction paints along with other mixed media to brush and canvas. Utilizing his building skills and knowledge of form and function, Igal began to amalgamate, emulate and unite the creation of the world through his art.
His spirited soul had finally found its voice and inimitable language of expressive prayer communing with G-d and creation.
The Genesis Series, is a chromatic treatise on the meaning of creation, visually exploding with colors, blending basic building materials with unique creative form, coalescing theory and allegory like Big Bang and Adam & Eve. The series reflects the soul searching journey of a lifetime steeped in meditation of Biblical, Talmudic and Kabalistic sources in a search for meaning as well as emotional and artistic meeting points with G-d.
“I believe that just as G-d holds a bank of souls that are sent to earth in the form of new lives throughout eternity, G-d similarly holds a bank of divine images that are meant to be given to us mortals through channels called artists.” Igal lives happily in Miami with his wife, Efrat, and his four children.